Friday, May 11, 2012

Prarie Hill Waldorf School Reviews by Parents

The school is not teaching the children to be compassionate to one another. Maybe they learn to have respect for the earth, nature and their schoolwork, but it seems to end when they enter recess. There are too many incidents of inappropriate language and behavior. The school seems to not take it seriously enough to implement rules to keep everyone emotionally and physically safe. The Waldorf curriculum is wonderful and impressive, but the school lacks the guidelines that holds the children responsible for their ill behavior. The most important thing we can teach our children is to be kind to themselves and others.
—Submitted by a parent

Posted March 21, 2010
We have been a family with the school for nearly 3 years now, and the school just has not maintained an acceptable level of safety regarding access into the school. There is no buzz in or check in process. Anyone can walk in and this is a huge safety issue to me. My son had a horrible experience as a kindergardener directly related to this. The school was aware, but nothing was done. Use caution when sending small children here, they may not be as protected as you are lead to believen they are.
—Submitted by a parent

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You may ask, "where are all the 5=Star reviews?" Well, the problem with those reviews is that many tend not to be too honest. I have included 4-star reviews that appear honest. Often, gushing reviews are placed by teachers and administrators - as some comments here indicate. "This school educates the whole child!!!" - 5 stars - by Anonymous... I say baloney! Notice, many of the reviewers have been misled by Waldorf and are still buying the PR, even after having been disappointed. Feel free to comment but understand the intent of this blog. Comments are no longer moderated.